it’s 11pm. do you know where your hubby is?
Scribbled down on May 28th, 2008 by she
Posted in Random Burbling
I love the way our neighbourhood gathers together for weekends and holidays. I love the way we trade off BBQ nights and gather around fire pits to share stories and laugh during the week nights. However, sometimes there’s a bit too much beer drinking going on for a week day and I have to bow out of the festivities. So while I was sitting on the back deck reading Steyn’s America Alone, Drew’s off jawing away at the neighbours house. At around 8:30pm I popped in to say hello and he tells me he’d like to get to sleep early and will be home around 9:30pm. At 11pm I’m still sitting on my back deck reading a book – one of the benefits of living up north are the amount of daylight hours in the summer – and can hear the boys’ voices progressively getting louder. My neighbour calls to say she’s heading off to bed and asks if I can collect zee hubby from her yard. I trot across the alley way to discover the boys in the garage measuring stairs and debating on how straight they are and whether or not they would form matched pairs. And of course they’re all three sheets to the wind.
Cause I’m such a good wifey, I drag him home and put him to bed. And now I can’t sleep. The worst thing about the evening is knowing that in the morning he’ll feel fine (evil metabolism) while I’ll spend most of my day yawning.
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May 30th, 2008 at 12:24 am
LOL that’s so funny. Sounds like you have great neighbours. I miss having great neighbours. We have good neighbours but not great neighbours.