Garage Demo Day – Take Two

Scribbled down on July 5th, 2008 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

A much anticipated event, our garage was to have been demo’d last weekend.  We had the volunteers. We had the food and beverages.  What we didn’t have was a bin to put the unsalvageable pieces of the old garage into. It was supposed to have arrived between Wednesday and Friday.  It’s now a week later and still, no bin.

Opportunity knocks.

A neighbour (yes, this place is crawling with them) is looking for a shed he can turn into a small workshop.  He wants something he can set some tools up in that is semi-protected from the elements.  Enter our garage.  It’s immense size has the neighbour drooling.  He has an old concrete pad to place it on.

So, the garage isn’t officially being demo’d anymore.  It’s being jacked up, loaded onto a flatbed trailer, and driven one block over and a few houses down.  The neighbour will have to ensure he’s got all the necessary permits in place to affix everything.  Moving the garage counts as “removal and/or demolition” and fits our permit.  According to the guys, this will also be a much quicker route to follow.  Instead of spending days taking down the garage by hand, they’ll spend a few hours.  It’s cheaper too.  It costs less to rent the trailer than it does to rent the bin.  It’s a win/win.

Now all we have to do is get the temporary fencing in place in the backyard before the guys start moving the building.  It will be too late once the back fence is down and the garage is gone.  I don’t plan on spending a few weeks chasing the dogs around the neighbourhood like we did Bubba a few weeks back.

The new removal method also has other bonus features.  Because it won’t take the entire weekend to accomplish the boys will be able to do the cribbing for the concrete pour tomorrow.  Which means our contractor can order up the concrete.  There’s a 10 day waitlist for a pour so we likely won’t have it completed before next weekend but it shouldn’t be too long of a wait.  Cross your fingers.  If all goes well, I’ll have a new garage in place (minus the interior finishing) by the end of the month.


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2 Responses to “Garage Demo Day – Take Two”

  1. Sweet!

  2. Woohoo. Sometimes opportunity knocks when you least expect it.

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