wild books
Scribbled down on August 25th, 2006 by she
Posted in Reading Begets Enlightenment
Have you ever wondered what the little recycling styled icon is on the sidebar menu? It’s a link to BookCrossing, a free book exchange program. If you’d like to learn more about it, check out the FAQ’s at http://www.bookcrossing.com/faqs.
I’m a book junkie. I love to read and tend to make my way through 5-20 books a week. How much I read at any one time depends on how “into” the book I am, how much free time I have on my hands, etc. I tend to keep a good 40% of the books I purchase new or used, and used to return the rest to a local used bookstore or hand them off to anyone who expressed and interest in it.
In our previous house, it was easy to keep a tonne of books, as we had our own separate library room. Since the move to the mouse house we just don’t have the room to keep books that we won’t be continuously re-reading. I’m having to learn to be more particular in my choices of books that land (and remain) in the permanent collection.
The downside of trying to return books to a local used bookstore is that they don’t always accept the books you have to return. Trying to give away books to friends is often limited by a need to share the same taste in reading material. Since I’ll read just about anything, I often have something for everyone. If only everyone would come visit our boxes of books that need new homes…
To resolve the situation and ensure that our house doesn’t become overwhelmed with books we won’t be rereading, I’ve joined Bookcrossing and hope to start slowly releasing some books into the wild. The first few books were released in Edmonton and now that I’m in NB, I expect I’ll be releasing some books in Saint John over the next few months. The hubby has a small stack of books to continue to release in Edmonton during my absence. I can’t wait to find out where he drops them off!
Technorati Tags: BookCrossing
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August 25th, 2006 at 11:21 pm
The first one I set free was at the Tim Horton’s on the way home from work.
August 27th, 2006 at 4:59 am
I can take some off your hands. My friends and I tend to keep books moving throughout our various circles.
August 27th, 2006 at 2:42 pm
Thanks Wendy. When I get home I’ll package up some and send them your way. Just make sure to add them into the system so we can track how far they move (BookCrossing can be used for books given directly to people as well).
Which reminds me, some of the books on my list to go out actually came from you. I was instructed to pass them on, and those that didn’t make it to Eula in the Philippines are being released all over the place this week 😉