
Scribbled down on November 4th, 2008 by she
Posted in Save Us From Evil

I am too young to have been around when Martin Luther King spoke of his dream. That said, I am very excited at the possibility that Obama might win the US election. Like all politics I don’t always agree with everything this politician believes in – I am most concerned with his take on Gay marriage; he doesn’t fully support it – but it’s nice to see the US shifting towards a Canadian way of thinking. Sadly, Canadians don’t really seem to understand our Conservatives vs. US Democrats. In many cases, their politics are very similar. We are not, and I don’t think we ever have been, similar to the Republicans in our thinking, politics, or beliefs. Hey, maybe the Americans are finally becoming more like us. Is that such a bad thing?

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3 Responses to “Imagine”

  1. I was pleasantly surprised to wake this am to find Obama won. I honestly thought that McCain would win, that his policies closely reflected the thinking of the majority of the US citizens.

  2. I was hoping Obama would win and I’m thrilled he did!

  3. If McCain won, you would have gained at least one new Canadian – me!

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