Hurry up and wait

Scribbled down on November 20th, 2008 by she
Posted in Those Who Volunteered

I arrived at the airport to pick up Drew with 20 minutes to spare according to the original flight details. Upon arrival at the airport I learned the flight was delayed by an hour and a half. Of course I’d checked the flight status before I left the house but it’s an hour long drive to the airport from home – there’s nothing like having an international airport named after your city that’s located FAR ouside city limits – and the flight delay was posted after I’d left the house.

So Drew will arrive home around one am. With the time zone jumping that will be three am for him. Guess the night blind freak is driving home after all.

If I’d been smart I would have thought to book us into a room at one of the airport hotels. Foresight is apparently not one of my strengths outside of a work environment.

Thank goodness for Timmy’s. While I wait I can load myself up on coffee and try to learn to block out smells while I breathe. The young man on my left is eating very stinky Doritos and the older man on my right is reading “les maths pour les nulls”. I am experiencing flashbacks to jr high math class as I type. I wonder if anyone has managed to get a PTSD diagnosis due to school related trauma.

Once again the iPhone keeps me occupied. Between short tweets and visits to Facebook I am reading one of the books in Kim Harrison’s Rachel Morgan series. Had I the foresight to brim earbuds with me I could have been listening to music while reading my ebook. And of course it allows me to blog in an attempt to make the time pass quicker.

Once again the military spouse practices her waiting skills. Soon. It’ll all be worth it. Sleep well everyone.

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One Response to “Hurry up and wait”

  1. Hmmmm, our house is half way. And Paul never goes to bed before 1 or 2. Coulda come here. And Paul might have even driven you to pick up said wayward hubby from the airport. Silly girl.

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