It’s Monday morning and I’m freezing blues

Scribbled down on November 24th, 2008 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

I’m not a fan of getting up in the morning, looking outside, and seeing nothing but darkness.  I’m even less thrilled when I leave my windowless office each evening and stumble to the parking garage in darkness.  This is the farthest north I’ve ever lived and I’m still not used to the extremely short days during the winter.

Obviously I do not suffer from this problem in the reverse.  I love the summer.  I’m thrilled when the sun comes up at 0 dark 30 in the morning and goes down sometime around 11pm in the evening. I like sitting out on the back porch with a good book and a beer at 9:30pm and not need lights to read by.

Or blankets to snuggle under.

Along with the dark comes the cold. Now that lizard boy is home the house should be warmer. While I might shiver and suffer in a colder house – throwing sweater after sweater on to keep warm – Drew just can’t manage to stay warm enough if the house temp is set to 16C.  He needs it to be a balmy 18C at least.  Call it my green act of the winter.  Low heat settings.

The sad thing about our temperature setting is that 16C is really nice on a spring day.  Unfortunately, thanks to the ambient temperature outside, it doesn’t do too much to keep the chill off in winter.

It’s not even officially winter yet and I’m already pining for spring.  This does not bode well for my sanity in the upcoming months.

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2 Responses to “It’s Monday morning and I’m freezing blues”

  1. You keep it that cool in your house??! I can’t even imagine. My daughter and I have to have the temp to at least 73. Gregg and Michael of course would like it cooler but any lower and I swear we have icicles hanging off our noses. It never fails Gregg comes home and turns the heat down. He keeps trying to get us to keep it at 70. But those 3 degrees make a huge difference I say!

  2. Lizard boy?

    I have to keep my thermostat at 21 or it’s like Joy’s house. I’m sure our insulation has a minimal R factor.

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