Meet the new boss…

Scribbled down on January 15th, 2009 by she
Posted in It's a Living

My group was hived off from our previous department in the “great fallout of 2009” (TM) and today my old boss and I met with the new boss. I’m not certain what this means for us in the long run. We’ve removed a management layer – which can only be a good thing – and re-aligned with a department that I’ve always thought my group needed to be working closer with. The new boss seems approachable and “gets” a lot of the things I worry about. He doesn’t seem to want to micro-manage and wants to leave chunks of the current structure in place. I’ve worked with him and many of his team members before and know that this change is probably a good thing for my smaller group.

It occurs to me that I don’t even know the name of my new department…

For the moment nothing changes for me other than the software I’m working with and the reporting structure. I will get a new dev server and continue my daily supervision of my minions. For now. We will have a tonne of new and unexpected work resulting from the switch in LMS’s but I’m sure R and I are up to the challenge.

However, I’m just a geek and the real workers might not find the change large enough – or his knowledge of their needs and challenges strong enough -to result in permanent positive change. For the moment I choose to remain hopeful as I await additional news on the secret email front.

I know. Not so secret when I blog about it. Then again, I’ve been about as descriptive as a blank chalkboard lately.

I did have a bit of a grouchy break this afternoon. A not-so-liked co-worker was given (taking?) credit for some excellent work done by a different co-worker who wasn’t there to defend herself. So I jumped in to ensure she was recognized. Normally it wouldn’t have been such a big deal. We share credit for individual work here all the time. Today it just really bothered me and I wasn’t ready to let it go.

I have arranged to take tomorrow off to run a tonne of errands – groceries, packages for Drew, bill payments, and studying are all in the plans for my day off. I need the change of pace to refresh and be ready for whatever Monday brings.

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5 Responses to “Meet the new boss…”

  1. Sounds like things have changed…for the better? Hopefully new boss will help with this. Have a super day off!

  2. Sounds like you have had a busy yet interesting week. Hopefully you’ll get and enjoy some of the nice weather we are suppose to get this weekend.

  3. wow, that IS a lot of stuff going on. no wonder you were stressed out!!!! but it sounds like there’s positive momentum starting…

    enjoy your (well deserved) day off!

  4. Missed you today. Hope you are doing well. Wanna booze sometime next week?

  5. Booze? You felt the need to ask? I’m shocked! Of course I’m in. Just tell me where and when – and make it within stumbling distance or a cheap cab ride 🙂

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