MOT’s new friend

Scribbled down on March 6th, 2009 by she
Posted in Adventures with MOT

Apparently MOT makes friends where ever he goes.  After drinking the equivalent of a small lake in coffee, MOT finally managed to get his hands on one of the coveted Timmie’s KAF baseball caps. MOT, being a generous soul and understanding the finer details of marriage thanks to explanations from his traveling companion, will be sending the cap home for me to wear soon.  YIPPEE!


As for the rifle – MOT’s not authorized to go anywhere around the camp without carrying it with him. He’s getting pretty used to being armed to the teeth. Makes me wonder how he’s going to react when we bring him to Disneyland in the summer?

cp: Dust My Broom – just in time for Friday Night Blues and Beer!

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2 Responses to “MOT’s new friend”

  1. You may have to be careful with him in the land of Disney. For a place that claims to be non-violent and doesn’t permit any controversial sayings on your t-shirts (just a heads up on that regard), they have a lot of shoot-em-up rides. You may have to give MOT some extra decompression before heading to into the park.

  2. Lucky for us MOT is very innocent looking and unassuming. He shouldn’t have any problems. And I’ll make a note not to bring anything that might be construed as offensive with me in my wardrobe while we’re there. We’ll only be at Disney for a few days. Rest of the time will be in SD by the looks of it.

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