my brain hurts

Scribbled down on December 3rd, 2006 by she
Posted in It's a Living

To be completely accurate, it’s my eyes and general head area that hurts. I’ve spent so many hours gazing at my monitor collating data and writing an analysis that I’ve had to result to wearing my glasses nearly 24/7 just to try and combat eye strain.

I’m not entirely certain that all the pain is caused by eye strain. My brain feels like it’s swelling and about to pop out of my ears. Whenever I move my head I have a quick moment of dizziness and then experience a quickly dissipating dull ache. It’s a bit like a beer hangover without the benefits of drinking the nectar of the gods…

On the bright side, the analysis is complete. The report is written, attached to an email, and sent off to the high-up muckety mucks.

Now for the downside: I’m once again staring at my monitor trying to find errors in training manuals. Tomorrow I’m going to search for a monitor anti-glare cover to see if that will help this headache move on to greener pastures.

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