readers: start your engines

Scribbled down on December 3rd, 2006 by she
Posted in Reading Begets Enlightenment

Zoe over at Bubbles In My Head is running a blog contest I can sink my teeth into. She’s challenging her readers to a contest designed to determine who can read the most books over the next few weeks.

The contest will begin on the 10th of December and last till the 31th. In those the 21 days all participants are to try to read the most.

I’ve got a few days to gather up some books and get ready to read. Zoe is planning on posting an update on her blog every 4 days. I expect I’ll be posting updates as I finish each book. I’m an avid reader, but I don’t know how much actual reading I’ll be able to complete once my mom arrives on the 19th. Since she’s staying through to January, I may only manage a few books a week.

One of the cool things that Zoe has added to her challenge is the requirement that we leave a comment on her blog with our updated list of books read and a little snippet of thought upon each, including a rating or why we did or didn’t like the book. This will slow my reading down, but gives me a good break point to sneak in some blogging.

If you’re interested in joining the read-a-thon head on over to Zoe’s site and sign up.

Tonight my mission will be to pick out the books I’d like to read over the next few weeks.

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2 Responses to “readers: start your engines”

  1. I can read one 700+ pages book in one day. But then it has to be VERY catchy..:P

  2. I’ve done that many times as well. If the book grabs my interest and won’t let go then I won’t put it down. I’ve read through many a night and into the morning 😉

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