
Scribbled down on February 24th, 2007 by she
Posted in Where No Flan Has Gone Before

I am tired and overworked and back in India. I cried like a baby this afternoon as I couldn’t stop thinking of dad. I know he would have loved visiting Singapore and wandering the warren of streets.

My prayers go out to Heather who lost her father on Valentine’s day.

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2 Responses to “Memories”

  1. Thanks dear.
    I have been thinking of you too in the last few days. I wonder if it ever stops hurting…? On the one hand, I’m so happy for him that he has no more pain and suffering now; on the other, the slightest thing starts the tears streaming down my face. Like – seeing his hat on the stand in the hallway.

  2. I’d like to say it gets better and easier – but I haven’t found that place yet. It’s been 5 months since dad passed away and I find myself thinking about him and crying nearly every day. What is getting a bit better is that I’m not randomly breaking down in public or needing to pull my car off the road so I can sit and cry in my truck on an almost daily basis.

    You can have years to prepare – I had 2 years notice of the terminal diagnosis – but nothing prepares you for the reality.

    And, while I can write about dad and only suffer the lump in the back of my throat and shed a few tears, I still can’t really talk about him yet. When I do, I still catch myself talking as if he’s still around, wanting to pick up the phone and call to share new news.

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