Thursday Thirteen – Random Thoughts

Scribbled down on April 5th, 2007 by she
Posted in It's a Living, Popularity Contests

Welcome to the 21st edition of the screaming pages Thursday Thirteen.

Thirteen random thoughts.

  1. Working at my previous company seems like the kiss of death. I’ve only had three interviews this week and I’m getting nervous at all the times I’m being told I may be bored in the position I’m being interviewed for. After my previous job, perhaps boredom would be a good thing for a while. The only people that seem to be really interested in me appear to be head hunters *sigh*
  2. I have a tonne of email I need to respond to.
  3. The hubby has a four day weekend this weekend. It’ll be nice to spend some extra time with him before he heads off to play in the mud for a month.
  4. When you’re a workaholic, it’s really hard to face days off with nothing to do except clean the house.
  5. For the first time in days, the sky is blue. Now if only it would stop snowing!
  6. I can’t believe how long it takes to find a new career. Sure, it’s easy to find a mcjob, but I don’t want to be asking people if they want “fries with that” for the rest of my life.
  7. I think I should just go back to bed for the rest of the day…
  8. Perhaps I’ll spend some time writing instead.
  9. My dogs are nuts. They refuse to go outside in the snow (and cold) unless I go out with them. Where are my mittens?
  10. They also act like big aggressive monsters when the mail is being delivered. However, when you open the door they run away and hide.
  11. I need to mail letters to friends. They’ve been written for over a week and I can’t believe I haven’t sent them off yet.
  12. I have NO patience with myself these days.
  13. Walking on the treadmill while watching a movie seems like a great idea until you stop. Then you ache for hours.

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18 Responses to “Thursday Thirteen – Random Thoughts”

  1. I need to send out thank you letters for my birthday nearly a month ago…oops!

  2. Great random TT. Trying to find a new career has to be stressful! Good luck!

  3. I love how interviewers think they know from a resume or a 30-minute conversation what would bore a person! Good luck with the job hunt. That’s a scary place to be.

  4. Hope you find a job soon. I had a gap between University and my first job that was soul destroying. Number 7 was always a dangerous temptation.

  5. Ooh, I bet your feet burn from the treadmill, huh?

    Hang in there about the unemployment stuff. It’s bound to change, for the better, the longer you plug away at it. And in the meantime, keep yourself occupied with things you really love. You might discover all sorts of new avenues your life can head through!

  6. #6 – which is why it is often so tempting to just go the job route, rather than the career one. *sigh*

  7. I sympathize! Jobsearching can be crazy-making. However, you (and, starting next week, I) are jobsearching before the big wave of college grads searching for their first position, or college attendees searching for their summer interships. And it’s the middle of the calendar year, and for many companies, the beginning of their fiscal year. New budgets, new projects that have just been waiting for additional funds…something will come along eventually. Don’t be surprised if it takes a few weeks.

    Meanwhile, check out Craigslist and find some part time or freelance jobs. It will help you network, keep you occupied, and bring in a small bit of money. (There’s a subsite for Alberta, but the only two cities they’ve got listed are Calgary and Edmonton. Then again, if you’re working offsite, they may not need to be in the same province. Cool…)

  8. Good luck with the job hunt!

    Our dogs are nuts too! One of them will sit outside in the pouring rain just looking around the yard. The other hates the rain and will only poke his head out the doggy door to look outside. I never have the camera around when he does it, but I need to because it looks so dang cute seeing the back end of a dog looking out the door.

    Happy TTing!

  9. Ah, career angst. I feel you. Been there, done that. But it’ll all work out — it always does (I believe in fate).
    My cat is not pleased with the snow either.

    Good luck with the job hunt.

  10. I hear you! I CANNOT keep up with email….And, you reminded me…I must get back on that treadmill! I miss the ole exercise stiffness….

  11. Reads like a list I would write. Good times.

  12. Thanks for your visit- hope you enjoy those Rice Krispy Treats! Good luck with the job search!

  13. Hang in there, and good luck to you with the job search! I hear ya on the treadmill thing — been there, done that and enjoyed it, but yup, ached afterward. 🙂 And I know what you mean about the workaholic thing — I love staying busy.

    Your doggies sound like big lovebug-monsters! 😀

    Have a great holiday weekend, and thanks for visiting my blog!

  14. I hear ya on #4. You can only clean the house so much.

    Good luck with the continued job hunting!

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    I love your list. I am in a quite similar position as you regarding the jobsearch. Except, I wouldn’t mind at all if I would never have to work again. I only do it for the money. Which is why it’s hard to find something that doesn’t drive me up the wall with boredom after a week or so. ;o)

  16. Hang in there on the job. That Man has been through so many job changes it makes me ill. I hope you find something you enjoy soon.

  17. good luck with the job hunting. I hate looking for work but was blessed the last time out being unemTplyed for only 6 weeks. It helps to have a career you enjoy. Thanks for stopping by my T13.

  18. Our cocker spaniel used to act just like your dogs in #10. LOL And I was so happy to read #11 — it’s great to know I’m not the only one who sits on mail after I’ve gone to all the troube to get it ready to send out! Sheesh!

    Good luck on the job hunt!

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