miracle cleaning products

Scribbled down on April 16th, 2007 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

I’m not usually a big fan of stain removers. They don’t tend to work as well as advertised and cost far more than they’re worth. This afternoon, I learned that the overpriced package of Shout gel is worth it’s weight in gold – or at least cotton.

During my travels around the world, I’ve picked up shirts and t-shirts from favoured locations, restaurants, etc. Typical tourist stuff. I have one from Memphis that I adore. It always reminds me of great friends, working with FedEx, wandering Beale, great blues, and immediately brings to mind one of my favourite US cities.

This afternoon the hubby decided that rather than waiting in line a the shop for the winter tyres to be changed out in favour of the all season tyres, he’d swap them out himself. Simple enough task. Like Vanna White, my job was to stand around looking pretty and occasionally hand him tools. Unfortunately for my beloved t-shirt, the toolbox he requested was sitting in a pool of long forgotten motor oil. Upon picking the box up, the mustard yellow shirt I was wearing became soaked in the messy oil. I dropped the tool box and made a beeline for the house – threatening horrible revenge on the hubby if he didn’t clean up his oil spill and muttering about planned punishments if the stain didn’t come out of the shirt.

Flash forward to minutes of gooping Shout gel on my shirt, scrubbing, and dropping the shirt into the washing machine in the hopes the stain can be removed. Two sets of scrubbing and runs through the washing machine later and my shirt – while not completely stainless – is significantly improved. I don’t think I’ll be wearing it out in public again, but at least I don’t have to throw it out and can lounge around the house and backyard in it without be embarrassed that someone might catch a glimpse of me.

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5 Responses to “miracle cleaning products”

  1. Aw, hell…that stinks! Sure, it’s suitable for wearing around the house; but it really stinks that your shirt got ruined.

  2. I should know better than to go into the garage and help out the hubby – he’s forever coming inside wearing grease stains and mud under the fingernails.

    The oil stain is gone, but after wash #2, so is the dye on the shirt in the area where the stain was originally located. You can’t win for losing around here!

  3. Oh, faugh!!!

    And replacing a shirt like that never really quite works, does it: you’ve got the memories tied in with the original shirt, never mind that the shirt might be the same and the design might be the same…your memories were with that other shirt. (Or maybe that’s just me who’s so picky.)

    If you want to get me a photo of the shirt, and all the particulars, I’ve got friends in Kentucky who might be willing to see if that shirt is still being sold.

  4. But it’s good to know that the overpriced Shout is worth it! I’m always forgetting to change shirts before I start scrubbing or digging in the garden. Usually it’s not motor oil that I encounter, but it can be just as disastrous. I haven’t tried Shout on them, but I’ll be sure to get some. Moral of the story, I guess is : let the husband do it himself??

  5. Thanks for the offer LM but they no longer produce the exact shirt. I can buy one similar via their on-line store, but like you said, it’s just not the same.

    I have way too many attachments to t-shrts, jammies (doesn’t everyone go to the bar or grocery shopping at 3am in the jammies?), and jackets. Some people take pictures. Apparently I collect clothes.

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