Thursday Thirteen – Stuff

Scribbled down on May 2nd, 2007 by she
Posted in Popularity Contests

Welcome to the 25th edition of the screaming pages Thursday Thirteen.

This week I was planning on posting photos of the paintings, prints, and watercolours in our house. However, after taking the pictures and discovering that I have no skill with a camera (where’s the hubby when you need him?), I’ve decided to put that plan on hold and do a basic rundown of things that have happened since last week’s Thursday Thirteen.

Thirteen things about my week.

  1. Went to dinner with ex-coworker from the evil empire. Had a fabulous time. She’s one of the few people left working there that I miss on a daily basis. There’s something to be said for those who share the cube farm and your crazed outlook on life.
  2. Received the most amazing you escaped from the evil empire gift from said former co-worker. She presented me with my own mike for Karaoke *wheeee* so I can practice at home. She also included a CD of music for me, and lent me her giant collection of music to practice with.
  3. Went grocery shopping. I now have real food in my cupboards and fridge. Too bad it can’t cook itself…
  4. Took the dogs for a slow meander (daily). I’m not co-ordinated enough to run while out with two dogs. Scratch that, I’m not co-ordinated enough to run outside where there are cracks in the sidewalk to trip over!
  5. Got a new haircut. I was tired of looking like some sort of 80’s throwback and got it chopped into a bob. Now, considering the pre-ugly haircut was a just-past-the-shoulders bob, you can imagine how thrilled I am to now be sporting a new chin length one. Maybe I just should have shaved it all off and started fresh again…
  6. Ordered and received new books from
  7. Ordered books from
  8. Connected with a potential employer – yes, this is the job I really, really want – and received a list of recommended reading and a referral to an online course to complete. I’m hoping this is a good sign. The company works in a very small field and completion of these items wouldn’t help me get a job anywhere else. I’m hoping that means that the company is seriously considering hiring me. They said I have the right attitude and aptitude – that’s good right?
  9. Filled the gas tank before the crazy price hike shennanigans started.
  10. Completed my pension transfer forms and sent them off to my investment advisor.
  11. Cleaned up the back yard, trimmed the hedge at the front of the house, made a honey-do list for the hubby when he gets home πŸ˜‰
  12. Paid all our bills.
  13. Talked to the hubby for the first time in a week. He got access to a phone and called tonight. *wheeee* There’s nothing quite like the 35 minutes a week the gov’t graciously gives families to connect while their loved ones are away.
  14. Bonus:

  15. Posted my T13 early so I can spend some additional time tomorrow working on completing the online course mentioned in #8.

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. ItÒ€ℒs easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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73 Responses to “Thursday Thirteen – Stuff”

  1. I do so love a list with a positive vibe!

  2. What a great list, and it sounds like you’ve had a super week! Wishing you the best of luck with your #8 — that’s fabulous. πŸ™‚

    Happy TT, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Sounds like a good week. Good luck on the job!

    Thanks for visiting my TT!

  4. Sounds like you’ve had a pretty good week! Thanks for stopping by, and happy TT!

  5. I LOVE Amazon and Chapters!!! I’ve given them SO much of my money! Good luck with the job!!!!

  6. You’ve been furry, furry busy! Mom said to tell you that she got the same haircut … But she colored hers, too. It’s brown-ish. I think that Mom should have dyed it to look like mine: Black with a stripe of white down the middle. I tried to explain, but she laughed and said, “Skunk?” No, not skunk … Tuxedo cat.

    Have a furry good weekend learnin’ all of that new stuff for your new job! You’re gonna be FABULOUS!

  7. My, my…aren’t you busy?! As for #5, I really want to shave my head…

  8. I’m from the Maritimes with a husband hailing from the Golden Horseshoe, as well. But I kidnapped him and brought him Down East. Ironically, I seem to have left my heart in Toronto…

    I am infamous for my lack of cooking enthusiasm. Also, the transfer of the pictures to your blog would stump me, absolutely.

  9. Sounds like you had quite a busy week. New haircuts can be fun. I need to get mine trimmed. Trying to let my curly hair grow. It’s about 5 inches past my shoulders.

    New books… awesome. Guess you are getting ready for your Spring/Summer reading. Enjoy!

  10. That’s not amongst my favourite occupations to pay bills !

  11. You are busy, busy! You actually trimmed the hedges? *faint* You seriously deserve a medal for that one. Happy Thursday!

  12. Talk about showing up late for the TT party! I guess I do like making ENTRANCES! πŸ™‚
    Great Blog BTW! Your designer Lunastone is the same as many other of my blogs!

  13. Good luck with the job! Must go and read more now, and find out what hubby does… Military?
    Thanks for visiting – how do you find time?? Glad you do, though…

  14. Busy week! Good luck with the potential job – I hope you get it! πŸ™‚

    Thanks for visiting. πŸ™‚

  15. I hope that you get that new job. I’ll cross my fingers for you.

  16. Thanks for looking in on my site and all the best for the new job! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. ;o)

  17. Great list! Have a great time practicing Karoke! I love it!

    Thanks for visitng my TT!

  18. Personally, I’m baffled about how people CAN run with dogs. I mean, a simple stroll with mine turns into an endless negotiation of exactly how many trees per block they REALLY need to visit.

  19. Wow, this blog looks like the place to be! πŸ™‚

    LOL on the running. My dog tries to run me, so if you see a person being dragged behind a lab, please try to stop me. πŸ™‚

  20. Julie – Re: photos of pictures – Getting them on the blog is the easy part. The problem is that I’m a crappy photographer and can’t take a good picture to save my life.

  21. 35 minutes a WEEK?

    Ain’t Uncle Sam great?!

  22. Actually, I have no idea what US troops get for calling home (we’re Canadian). Does make me wonder what their limits are though…

  23. Thank God, I talk to one from the evil empire where I used to work a couple of years ago. I don’t miss anyone who was there either since all the good guys also quit πŸ˜€

    Great T13!

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