Friday’s Feast: 142

Scribbled down on May 4th, 2007 by she
Posted in Popularity Contests


Feast Number One Hundred & Fourty Two

Appetizer: Name something you would not want to own.

  • Any sort of firearm.

Soup: Describe your hair (texture, color, length, etc.).

  • Thick, straight, blonde, chin length bob.

Salad: Finish this sentence: I’ll never forget ___________.

  • I’ll never forget my first opera or what Alex thought passed for good pizza.

Main Course: Which famous person would you like to be for one day? Why?

  • Honestly, as difficult as life can be sometimes, I really wouldn’t want to be anyone other than myself.

Dessert: Write one sentence about yourself that includes one thing that is true and another thing that is not.

  • Despite being in two car accidents in 12 years, I’ve never been in the driver’s seat when an accident occurred.


  1. Whether you’ve ever been there or not, what are your thoughts on Texas?
    I’ve spent some time in Houston and didn’t mind it. Granted, I was working so I spent most of my time shuttling back and forth between work and the hotel. While I honestly don’t remember too much about the city, I did meet some wonderful people there.
  2. Who was the last person you sent a text message to? If you’ve never sent someone a text message, is there some reason?
    Most likely Robin (former co-worker).
  3. Who’s usually the first person you go to when you have a tech-related problem, especially for computers?
    For computers – no one. If I can’t figure it out, it’s gonna be fried and broken beyond repair. If it’s anything to do with the TV/DVD/Stereo/Bazillion associated remotes thingy (love those technical terms) – I make the hubby fix it.
  4. What was the best textbook you were ever assigned?
    Mager, Robert F. Preparing Instructional Objectives. Center for Effective Performance: Atlanta. 1997. On page 21, it has the best example of an objective “Given a stick, beat a dead horse into oblivion”. Even better is the fact that this example, however humourous, wouldn’t be an effective objective, since “oblivion” can’t really be measured 😉
  5. What are your thoughts on techno music??
    Don’t have any either way.

h/t to Caylynn’s Contemplations for the FF graphic. I shamelessly swiped it from her site.

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6 Responses to “Friday’s Feast: 142”

  1. Great feast. Have a good weekend:)

  2. Great feast! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. love your feast! Have a good Friday.

  4. Very good idea ! No arms no shooting !

  5. I like the soup. Wonderful feast! Have a great weekend! 🙂

  6. Great feast. Mine is now posted.

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