theft of garbage can?

Scribbled down on October 5th, 2008 by she
Posted in Random Burbling

Instead of heading to my neighbours to borrow their BBQ on Friday I ended up catching up on some much needed sleep.  Good intentions and all that.  It was early when I wrote my post and no one was home yet.  So I decided to take a nice little nap while I was waiting.  I ended up sleeping until Saturday morning with a small interruption to tell Loxley that I would not be attending karaoke – too busy sleeping!

Why is this sleeping commentary important?  Because I didn’t manage to let my neighbour know about the over-sized garbage can complaint I’d received in the mail.  When I woke up on Saturday I crossed over to L and J’s for a visit and noticed that R’s gigantic garbage can on wheels was gone and in it’s place was one the same size as what we use.  I figured someone in the neighbourhood must have read my blog and passed on the message.  When I commented on the new can to R, he noted that during the night someone had “stolen” his brand new garbage can and replaced it with this little one.  Since the city package I was provided indicated a sticker was supposed to be placed on a can for replacement – and R definitely hadn’t placed a sticker on his can – he has no idea who made of with his garbage can.  Or why.  I suspect an overzealous garbage collector.  I could be wrong.

However, someone else making off with a garbage can is likely to leave a brand new can as a replacement.

R was semi annoyed about his loss of garbage can.  He had just recently purchased it with the  intend to use it in the backyard as a place to gather his cans and bottles.  A giant tan coloured blue bin if you will.  Someone, either his wife or son, accidentally put the can and it’s collection of recyclables out for garbage collection on Friday.

While makes us all wonder about the content of the written complaint.  It specified that the oversize can was too heavy to lift.  But if the garbage can was filled with beer cans the contents would not have been heavy.

Obviously, we don’t have enough excitement in the back alley of late.  I haven’t been mistaken for a fleeing suspect – despite the cops having watched me walk DOWN the alley in their direction and Drew hasn’t tackled a knife-wielding teen lately.  Suspected theft of garbage can is all we’re left with…

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One Response to “theft of garbage can?”

  1. I hope you have something exciting planned for this weekend… maybe chasing the holiday supper down the alley with a butcher knife (or just sending one of the dogs after it). All the action in your neighborhood IS in the alley. The front street is actually quite dull.

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